Oct 23- Oct 27
BOOK FAIR COMING Bellevue’s first book fair for the 2023-2024 school year is coming to our library soon! A large selection of books for all levels and interests of readers...
École Bellevue School
780 929 8663
BOOK FAIR COMING Bellevue’s first book fair for the 2023-2024 school year is coming to our library soon! A large selection of books for all levels and interests of readers...
SCHOOL HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES Students can be dressed in costumes on Oct 31st or we are also encouraging dressing in orange and black. We ask that students choose costumes that are...
LONG WEEKEND REMINDER HALLOWEEN DANCE Join us for a Family Dance!! Tickets are available on your Parent PowerSchool account. Please note: only 1 ticket per family is needed. COSTUMES Students...
THIS WEEK AT BELLEVUE We had a fun week at Bellevue! With our Terry Fox walk, then our ‘Pie the Teacher’- always a big hit with the students! We also...
KISS AND GO We have noticed many parent parking in the “Kiss and Go” area. We will be out Monday reminding parents that this area is meant for drop off...
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Felice Gladue with Metis ALIVE will be working with our students this week. Felice is an amazing presenter, who will using music, dance, and art to help...
YEARBOOKS Yearbooks from last year have gone home in backpacks today. Please contact the office if you want to purchase one. ($20 each) CROSS COUNTRY TEAM We will be practicing...
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WELCOME BACK! We are so excited to have all of our students back for another year. Welcome to everyone and especially our new students. VERIFICATION FORMS Verification forms are completed...
Year End Family Picnic We are so excited to host our year end family picnic! It is a Bellevue tradition to have a family picnic on the last day of school. All...
LAST CALL FOR YEARBOOKS!! This is the last call for yearbooks. If you’d to order one, do so right away! ORDER SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR NEXT YEAR! You can order your...
Thank You!! RAINBOW DAY Wear rainbow colours on Thursday June 8th! SAVE THE DATE More details to come!! BELLEVUE’S GOT TALENT Important Dates June 5- PD Day- No School June...
BELLEVUE’S GOT TALENT! Send your submissions to [email protected] SCHOOL SUPPLIES You can order your supplies now to come before the end the school year by using this website: https://www.write-on.ca/shop/ FOR ONLINE...