École Bellevue School

780 929 8663

  • SEPTEMBER 5-9, 2022

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    Dear Bellevue Families,

    We would like to give our students and entire school community a huge shout out for a fantastic start to the school year! We are so proud of our students!   It was a longer first week than we are used to and quite warm, but our staff and students did so well.  We were able to hostour welcome to school assemblies.  This will continue throughout the year, as we celebrate success and teach some character education in our grade level assemblies. 


    With our beautiful weather and the return to school, it is a good time to review our school and division policies regarding pets. We have students who are very frightened of dogs, and a few who will automatically run away. Pets are not permitted inside the school, on or near the playground or near school entrances and exits. Please do not allow other people’s children to pet or approach your dog. The dog should be kept away from the entrance/exit doors, playground area and bus lane so that students may come and go without having to walk by your dog. We understand that walking to school is a wonderful opportunity to exercise all members of the family including the dog. We are also looking out for the best interest and safety of the dog. We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We want all of our students to feel safe arriving and leaving school every day. 


    Our kids need the help of your thoughts and opinions!!  We would like to invite you to our AGM meeting on September 21 via zoom.  The fundraising meeting will begin at 6:30pm, followed by School Council at 7:00pm.  What is School Council? It is a wonderful group of parents that have the opportunity to make an impact on their children’s  school environment.  You can participate in Fundraising, Parent Council, or both.  There is no requirement to attend all of the meetings, just show up when you can. Meetings last 30-60min and rarely go past 8:00pm.  At the meetings we discuss school activities, curriculum and get regular updates for staff.  We plan dances, movie nights, parent nights, and teacher appreciation.  We decide how the fundraising money will be spent. We hope to see you there, it’s a great way to get involved!


    Please make sure your child dresses for the weather.  The fall is not very consistent with the weather and students can get caught off guard outside which makes for a very unpleasant recess. Most mornings start off cold and then get warmer throughout the day, only hitting the high temperature at 4pm.  We do go out for recess almost all of the time and we want our students to have fun and be comfortable. 


    The Student Verification forms are available on your Parent PowerSchool account to fill out next week. Please complete them as soon as you can.  These are important for our school to have the most up to date and accurate information for your child on file. This also includes the walking field trip forms so your child can participate in events such as the Terry Fox Walk on Sept. 23rd. They also include the admirable use form, which allows students to use their chromebooks. 


    Sept 5- Labour Day- No School

    Sept 16- PD Day- No School

    Sept 21st- School Photos

    Sept 23rd- Terry Fox Walk

    Sept 29- Wear Orange for Truth and Reconciliation 

    Sept 30- Truth and Reconciliation Day- No School

    Our Stories