École Bellevue School

780 929 8663

  • Oct 30-Nov 3

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    We will be hosting interview on Nov 7 and 8th. November 7th- Will be In Person and November 8th will be Virtual. Please sign up using this link- https://schoolinterviews.ca/code/5qjg4 Link closes November 5th. This is for Kindergarten to grade 6 parents.


    We have seen an increase of students coming to school sick. Please keep your child home if they are sick and have symptoms. If they have a consistent cough, upset tummy, runny nose. This keeps all of our staff and sick healthier. Students who are unwell do not have successful days at school.


    Please note, this is not a drop off zone. You can let your child off at the front of the school where we have our kiss and go and they will be able to walk to their door. Dropping your child off by the garbage cans, etc is unsafe, as we have numerous buses and daycare vans driving in this area. We ask parents to choose safety over convenience.


    We will be hosting our Halloween Parade in the gym on Oct 31st after lunch. Student can come to school dressed in costume or in orange and black. We ask that accessories and scary costumes stay at home.


    This Remembrance Day we are reaching out to our Bellevue Families to request your support in honoring our school’s proud tradition of paying tribute to the brave individuals who have served or are currently serving our country.

    As we approach Bellevue’s Remembrance Day Service, which is scheduled for Friday, November 10th, we aim to honour our past and present serving heroes and their families. In order to make this event truly special, we would like to create a slideshow of these individuals who have sacrificed so much for our country.

    We kindly request that each of our school family members consider contributing to this tribute by submitting a photograph of a family member who has served or is currently serving. We ask that you include their name and when and where they served, if known.

    Thank you and we ask that you submit your photos to [email protected]


    Bellevue’s first book fair for the 2023-2024 school year is coming to our library soon! A large selection of books for all levels and interests of readers will be available from November 7-9. Students will have an opportunity to shop during their regularly scheduled library period and families are welcome to come shopping from 3:00-7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 7. I hope to see you all there!

    Volunteers needed! Please sign up here if you are able to help. Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up


    The deadline for ordering school pictures has been extended to November 1st.



    Oct 31- Halloween- Dress in a costume or Orange and Black

    Nov 1- PD Day- No School

    Nov 3- Hot Lunch- Edo – Order deadline Oct 29th 11:59pm

    Nov 5- Daylight Savings time ends, move your clock back and hour.

    Nov 7&8- Parent Teacher Conferences (7th in person, 8th online)

    Nov 7- Book Fair- open in the evening during Parent Teacher Conferences

    Nov 13-17- Fall Break, School closed


    Share your thoughts!

    The City of Beaumont is doing a Community Health Needs Assessment, which provides comprehensive information about the community’s current health status, needs and issues, and identifies potential future needs. By completing the survey, you can help City Council better understand your current and future health and wellness needs.

    To learn more about this project and get regular updates, visit https://beaumont.ab.ca/921

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