École Bellevue School

780 929 8663

  • March 6 – 10

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    We recognize that parents provide their children with cell phones and/or smart watches for a variety of reasons, including safety.  Therefore, we understand that students need to bring them to school. Students can call parents, if necessary, immediately upon arrival and at the end of the day, after dismissal in designated areas. Other than that, we ask that cell phones and smart watches remain turned off and stowed away in their lockers during the day. Students can be permitted to use their device during the day, with teacher permission and supervision.  If students do not use their personal device properly, they will be asked to leave them at home. We ask for your help by leaving them at home if not needed, and please do not call or text your child during the day. Thank you very much for your support, we truly appreciate it. 


    We will be hosting virtual and in person interviews during the week March 14th. In person interviews will be on Thursday, March 16th. The same night as the book fair.

    Here is the link to register for Grade 1-6 students. https://schoolinterviews.ca/code/ftgmg

    Kindergarten is having meeting on March 9th and an additional evening.


    We have noticed that more and more parents are picking up or dropping their child in the lane beside our bus lane, at the side of the school.  Again, we ask that you do not do this, as it is very unsafe for students.  Please find an alternative place to drop your child off. Remember, we have been asked to not park in the medical office parking, as well.  There is lots of drop off space at the front of the school. 


    The grade 4-6 students are looking forward to their upcoming trip to Rabbit Hill. Information was emailed to parents this week. You can find the forms online on Power School.  


    We are excited to be hosting on Tuesday, March 7th.  This night is intended for parents interested in learning about the French Immersion program.


    Nominate someone that has shown kindness by filling out this form.  We want to give away pass to the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre. 


    March 7- French Immersion Information night 6:30-7:30pm

    March 9 and 10- No School for Kindergarten

    March 13- No School- PD Day

    March 16- In Person Parent Conferences and Book Fair

    March 17- Winter Fun Day

    March 23- Gr 4-6 Ski Day

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