École Bellevue School

780 929 8663

  • March 13- 17, 2023

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    Reminder: Monday March 13th there is no school for students.


    Just a reminder that an after school message cannot be guaranteed to get to your child in time.  We are seeing a significant number of messages at the end of the day and our secretaries do their best, but it is best to have plans made in advance.  


    Interviews are scheduled next week.  Please have your interview time selected by Sunday at noon.  You will have to email any changes with your child’s teacher after this time. https://schoolinterviews.ca/code/ftgmg


    Nominate someone that has shown kindness by filling out this form.  We want to give away passes to the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre. 



    March 12th- Hot Lunch Order Deadline 11:59pm

    March 13th- No School- PD Day

    March 16th- In Person Parent Conferences and Book Fair

    March 17th- Boston Pizza Hot Lunch

    March 17th- Winter Fun Day

    March 21st- Rock your Socks for Down Syndrome

    March 23rd- 3- Gr 4-5-6 Ski Day

    March 27th to 31st- Spring Break; no classes

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