We have had 15 additional cases reported to us this week. We appreciate parents who are letting us know and keeping their children home when sick. It seems most sick symptoms are COVID related, so please test. You might not get a positive the first time, so keep them home and test them again after a few days. A reminder that they are to stay isolated for 10 days, if they have COVID symptoms. Please do not bring them back if they are better after a couple of days. They are still contagious for 10 days. Daily Checklist
These will be emailed on Thursday, February 3rd, 2022. Our parent teacher conferences will be in March.
Mr. Bowkowy’s Outdoor Education class was building snow habitats for different critters.
Jan 31- PD Day- No School
Feb 2nd- Early Dismissal; No kindergarten and no PreK classes
Feb 3rd- Report Cards are emailed home